Wolfgram and Knop family residence impacted by the Great Chicago Fire

According to an 1871 City Directory for Chicago, William Wolfgram and his family lived at 199 W. Taylor, in Chicago’s 9th Ward. Besides William and his wife Albertina Knop, this would have included their daughter Anna born in 1869.

Other records indicate that Heinrich Knoop, a cabinetmaker, also lived at the same address. He may have been related to Albertina.

The Great Chicago Fire started early on the evening of 8 October 1871. Later that evening the fire reached the block where the families of William Wolfgram and Heinrich Knoop lived at 199 W. Taylor. At least a part of their block was burned, but it is not known if their residence was damaged by the fire. According to the 1872 city directory, the family had moved to 239 W Taylor by that time. Both families were living at different new addresses by the time of the 1880 census. By 1886, William Wolfgram had moved his family to Wisconsin.

In 1909, 199 W Taylor became 716 W Taylor.

On this map, the burnt district is the bold (not faded) section of the map. Along the left edge of the highlighted part, about half-way down the slanted portion, the burnt district crosses W Taylor. It appears that about one-half of this block burned. Even if their residence was not actually burned, it was very close to the fire.

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